TRILUNA Co-Founder, Ashley Brooke James, Partners With March of Dimes!

The March of Dimes Nashville Champion of the Year is a high-impact competition amongst the Nashville business community that supports our mission in supporting healthy moms and strong babies. Motivated and dedicated individuals from across the area nominate professionals to create a dynamic fundraising team in honor of a mom in their life. This year Ashley was one of those nominated! We’re thrilled to support Ashley as she embarks on this journey!

A note from AB: Champion with Me!

I am honored to announce my collaboration with the March of Dimes Nashville Champion of the Year initiative. This impactful competition engages the Nashville Business Community in championing the March of Dimes mission to safeguard the health of mothers and infants.I had no choice but to rally around the cause because of my stance advocating to raise awareness about "Health Equity" and amplify the voices of those who have encountered health disparities during childbirth.

I am not a mother, but I am a black woman in America, and my passion is to ensure that every woman and child, regardless of background, can access the necessary care and support to eliminate preventable maternal health risks and fatalities. I am committed to bridging the health equity gap, particularly for families of color.

Would you help me? Would you personally support by donating or speaking with your employer about sponsorship opportunities?

I want to make this process seamless, so I have added links below for donation/sponsorship options:

Thanks in advance for your support,
Ashley Brooke James