September Is Yoga Awareness Month!

Yoga has been a core offering of TRILUNA from the beginning. In fact, it’s how our co-founders met in 2017! Since September is Yoga Awareness Month we thought we would talk about what it is and offer some free resources for you to engage with!

Yoga is a holistic practice that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions, rooted in ancient Indian traditions. It consists of eight limbs which serve as a guide for leading a balanced and fulfilling life. The physical movement of yoga is called “asana” and it’s often reduced simply to that. But yoga is so much more.

Here is a personal account from co-founder Ashley Brooke James of how she found yoga and what it has meant to her:

I started yoga because, at the time, “Hot Yoga” was the thing. I restarted yoga because I suffered from chronic migraines and was looking for a more holistic way to care for myself from the stress I was under that caused the migraines.

I found
@adrienelouise, and it changed everything for me. She has yoga for EVERYTHING, and not only that, she was teaching me how to be intentional with movement and how to notice what was going on in my body.

I then wanted to find a community of instructors in the Nashville area that I could relate to, a person who taught with intention, and it wouldn’t hurt if they looked like me. Thank you,
@sjanechapman, @jojo_totayhhma, and @erikaporteryoga.

I refined my yoga and meditation practice after watching, talking to, and studying my good friend
@findyourbreath. I’ve learned the true origin of yoga, the land, and ancestors. I’ve learned to teach a gentle practice more impactful than any power flow. Melissa, you have no idea how much you inspire me.

My intention has always been to make yoga a lifestyle. Not necessarily the physical movement, but everything from breathing, meditation, being intentional, and knowing that my community is my wellness, my yoga.

I always thought that yoga was my passion that turned into my career, but God told me differently. I was told this was my ministry, and I had no choice but to believe it because of the receipts.

Many thought I was crazy when I left my high-paying corporate job to make a career out of wellness, and at times, I have considered the same.

But God’s promises have continued to reign true. I have taught on big stages, in communities yoga is not usually accessible, created content for big brands, created a wellness curriculum and taught in schools, led teacher training, and the list continues.

Yoga is my ministry, and I just wanted to Thank God for it all.

At TRILUNA we believe yoga is more than asana and we also believe it's essential to honor the roots of yoga by acknowledging and addressing the need for decolonization and cultural sensitivity in its practice. One of the ways we work to make our yoga more inclusive is to acknowledge these five pillars:

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Recognize that yoga has its origins in Indian culture and respect its traditions. Avoid cultural appropriation by understanding and acknowledging the cultural context from which yoga emerged.

  • Inclusivity: Create a welcoming and inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds, ethnicities, and body types to practice yoga. Ensure that yoga spaces are accessible and free from discrimination.

  • Diverse Representation: Encourage diverse representation among yoga instructors and practitioners to reflect the global community. This can help break down stereotypes and promote a more inclusive practice.

  • Educate Yourself: Learn about the history and philosophy of yoga, including its cultural and spiritual aspects. Understand the potential for misappropriation and take steps to avoid it.

  • Mindful Language: Use inclusive and respectful language when teaching or discussing yoga. Avoid promoting stereotypes or exoticizing yoga's cultural aspects.

By practicing yoga with mindfulness and respect for its roots, you can honor its rich tradition while also ensuring that it remains an inclusive and welcoming practice for everyone.

Here are some resources and extras we love to help you on your journey. If you’re just getting started, welcome. Yoga is for everyone.